No matter what are you using for getting online rewards. Either you are getting shopping experience by visiting in stores, by online way or by assessing the mobile app of Walgreen. Through every way, you can easily get your points by using balance rewards membership. These rewards can further be redeemed for further getting featured items instantly. This is not enough, but you can also get paperless coupons by unlocking additional savings and offers a lot of promotions.
If you are not registered yet then it should be your first priority to get registration at its official site by entering your contact number at the pinpad. Here you can use your mobile card on Walgreen App or you can also scan your balance rewards card.
If you want to start your path to rewards then you need to explore the official site of Walgreen Balance and follow the below given some important instructions:
Balance Reward Membership:
- To get initiated for a path to rewards, you need to visit given link and go to the main site by opening internet browser.
- Now you come to the homepage, you will see a pinpad where you need to enter your phone number or member number to get continued.
- If you want to get login access then click on the below link “Sign In” and enter your username or phone number to continue the process.
- For creating a new account, click on the below link “create a new account” and further select “Registration with basic access”.
- On the next page, enter your full name, email address, password and by checking the required boxed finally hit the “submit” button.
Basic Registration Features:
By getting the access of basic registration, you can get following features:
- Save with balance rewards
- Shop photo
- Shop products
- Refill and manage prescriptions
- Order contact lenses