If you are going to get fingerprinting appointments of New Jersey then you have to access service provider IdentoGO for such kind of information. It is providing Fingerprint form in a complete universal format that should have been given by employer or state agency for requesting the fingerprint. For this purpose, you can also call at 1-877-503-5981 within the official hours starting from 8 am to 5 pm if you want to get information for NJ fingerprinting. If you are going to attend appointment then you are required to keep identification form consisting of the picture of a person along with the customer’s name, address DOB. It is also necessary to know that for identification purpose, you must have an ID which has been issued by Municipal, County, state or by Federal.
If you are interested to get IdentoGo new appointment then you are required to visit its official site and follow the below-given instructions:
How To Get A New Appointment:
- To get started for a new appointment at IdentoGo, you need to visit the link www.bioapplicant.com/nj and go to the main site by using fast internet connection.
- When you will come to its main page, you will see there a section related to the new appointment. Read all of its instructions and click on below button “start here” and proceed next.
- On the next page, you have to enter originating agency number, category, the reason for printing, select the type of documents, case number of Contributor and in the last enter miscellaneous data before striking on “continue” button.
Completion Process:
It is pertinent to mention here that this process of new appointment needs to complete some important steps. The total steps are 04 in the new enrollment. You are therefore required to follow each form and field to complete this procedure.