In order to protect you as well as other people from dishonorable business practices for providing private security by the persons, this Division is working hard and taking full responsibility for the protection purpose. With the help of licensure and lawful regulations, it is rendering recovery and private investigative facilities to the public. Moreover, the department is also taking responsibility for the issuance of license against firearms and for concealed weapons. By getting the licensed facility against your weapon, you would be more protected and secured as compared to those who are possessing unlawful weapons.
If you are also holding weapons and you want to legalize it through proper registration in this Division, you have to apply for a license as per the following is given below instructions:
How To Apply For Weapons License:
- To get started for license facility, you are required to visit the link and go to the main page through your web browser.
- After accessing the homepage, you see an option of “Apply for Concealed Weapon License”. Click on this option to proceed further for getting eligibility criteria.
- You will be led to next page, where you have to Click on the “Concealed Weapon or Firearm License Application” to download the form. A new tab will open asking the form of your requirement. You have to click on the second option. After getting it downloaded, you will get your “Tracking Number” on an application. You have to enter the required information in the given the form.
- Go back to the page after filling the form and schedule an appointment at “Sheriff’s Office” to submit your fingerprints by clicking on the button below. You have to verify the process, and you will be provided their numbers for your appointment.
- As you get finished with your application, you have to send to their official address for further processing.
Problem In Applying:
If you are facing any problem by filling your online application form for license purpose, you have to go to the “Contact” option available on the same page on the top of the website. Through this option, you can promptly get contact with the management of the company for expedite resolution of the persisting issue.