Register At NW Natural To Manage Your Account

NW Natural is mutually struggling with the other public agencies, businesses, and regulators to clean up the environment from the population from the last 150 year around the Harbor of Portland for industrial activity. The tradition started by Green and Leonard carries through NW Natural and Portland Gas Light Co. in the one square mile of Portland, the business started with only 49 customers and now it has extended up to 730,000 businesses and homes in different communities of 107. The service of NW Natural is now being rendered in many states such as; Washington, Vancouver, Dallas in Oregon, Salem, Lincoln, Eugene, Coos Bay, Astoria, and Albany.

If you have already created your account at NW natural then additional accounts can be added to your profile for which you are no more required to register again. You are just required to provide username and password for getting sign into account by clicking on “Add an Account”. Following is the process to get registered for the first time:

How To Get New Registration:

  • To get started with NW Natural, you are required to visit the link and access the official site through web browser facility.
  • As you come on the front page, you will see an option of “Manage your account online” on the left-hand side of the page. Click here to proceed further.
  • On the next page, you have to enter some essential information consisting of three mandatory steps.
  • In the first step, enter a first name, middle name, last name, email address with verification, password with verification and finally click on “Continue” button.

Benefits Of Registration:

By getting registration at its official site, you would be able to get all online facilities available on the official website like you can get rates and regulations, tariff book, special offers, and many more facilities.