Have you ever listen to the free of cost credit scoring offers by using online internet facility? Obviously, you will find a number of companies which are providing such facility with the subject to the provision of credit card number for subscribing this facility within trial period to view credit reports, but mostly you forget to cancel out this trial period, resultantly they charge your credit card account after the end of trial period.
The Credit Karma absolutely provides free of cost service for credit scoring and credit report monitoring without acquiring any credit card number and safe method to cancel out a subscription. Now you can safely subscribe for credit scoring and credit monitoring through this website without any risk as the site make a profit from an advertisement on the web. In order to get free of cost service, you are required to sign up first at its official site. After doing so, you can view all your credit report and credit scoring within 2 minutes and continue to monitor even every day without paying a single penny. It is necessary to mention here that your credit score is updated on a daily basis whereas credit report is updated on the weekly basis.
It is pertinent to describe here, your personal information may be scammed while getting the free credit report. Therefore, here are some tips to be secured from such activity:
How To Safe From Scam:
- First of all, go to the link www.creditkarma.com and access the main page of this website by a web browser.
- Go to the right option of getting a free credit report and do not enter any of your credit card number, because companies may later charge from the credit card for providing credit reports.
- Don’t sign up for getting a subscription of a free credit report, because it does not have any sign-up requirement for the free credit report.
- If you have signed up for the free trial period, make it sure to cancel out all trial period option after getting a free credit score and credit report.
Important Note:
The main shortcoming of Credit Karma for providing free-scoring is that it is not based on FICO score, which is mostly used by money lenders. Although, it is not FICO score based, still it gives you a clear picture about where you are currently standing depending on Equifax and Trans Union credit reports.