Have you currently received your credit card through courier? If yes then it is your first duty to activate it by accessing the official website. By doing so, you would be able to make an arrangement for your online payment. If you want to activate your card, you are required to provide some mandatory information and security answer which are necessary before activate. The activation facility which is provided by the web portal is kept secure without leakage of any personal information to be assessed to any other person.
By keeping your new card in your hand, you have to go through the following guidelines for activation of your account:
How To Activate Your Card:
- In the beginning, you have to browse link www.activatemycards.com and get access to its activation page with the help of your internet browser.
- After accessing its main page, you are welcome for activate My Card easily and securely at this website by press the below-mentioned button “Let’s activate My Card”.
- You will be led to next page, where you have to enter your card number available on the front of your card and in the second field, enter your date of birth.
- Finally, click on “submit” button to proceed ahead. Next, you have to follow the screen instruction for secure activation of My Card successfully.
Other Benefits:
The website which is providing the facility of My Card activation collects data from customers and keep them confidential. Moreover, data regarding commercial purpose it is collected to further disclose it for cybercrime. Before activating your card, you must go through all available terms and conditions which is necessary before activation process. By activating your card, you can manage your online account for online billing payment and get electronic statement without paying any fee.